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Request Video Again if Error Html5

Making Fullscreen Experiences

— Updated

Nosotros have the power to hands make immersive fullscreen websites and applications, but like anything on the spider web there are a couple of ways to do it. This is peculiarly important at present that more than browsers are supporting an "installed spider web app" experience which launch fullscreen.

Getting your app or site fullscreen #

There are several ways that a user or programmer can get a web app fullscreen.

  • Request the browser get fullscreen in response to a user gesture.
  • Install the app to the home screen.
  • False it: auto-hibernate the accost bar.

Asking the browser get fullscreen in response to a user gesture #

Not all platforms are equal. iOS Safari doesn't take a fullscreen API, but we exercise on Chrome on Android, Firefox, and IE xi+. Most applications you build will employ a combination of the JS API and the CSS selectors provided by the fullscreen specification. The main JS API'south that yous demand to care about when building a fullscreen experience are:

  • element.requestFullscreen() (currently prefixed in Chrome, Firefox, and IE) displays the element in fullscreen mode.
  • document.exitFullscreen() (currently prefixed in Chrome, Firefox and IE. Firefox uses cancelFullScreen() instead) cancels fullscreen mode.
  • document.fullscreenElement (currently prefixed in Chrome, Firefox, and IE) returns truthful if any of the elements are in fullscreen fashion.

When your app is fullscreen you no longer have the browser's UI controls available to you. This changes the manner that users interact with your experience. They don't have the standard navigation controls such as Forwards and Backwards; they don't accept their escape hatch that is the Refresh button. It's important to cater for this scenario. You can utilise some CSS selectors to help you alter the style and presentation of your site when the browser enters fullscreen mode.

                                                            <button                id                                  =                  "goFS"                                >              Go fullscreen                                  </button                >                            
<script >
var goFS = certificate. getElementById ( 'goFS' ) ;
goFS. addEventListener (
'click' ,
function ( ) {
document.body. requestFullscreen ( ) ;
} ,
false ,
) ;
</script >

The above example is a little contrived; I've hidden all the complication around the use of vendor prefixes.

The actual lawmaking is a lot more circuitous. Mozilla has created a very useful script that you lot can use to toggle fullscreen. Equally you can see, the vendor prefix situation it is circuitous and cumbersome compared to the specified API. Even with the slightly simplified code beneath, it is nonetheless circuitous.

                          function              toggleFullScreen              (              )              {              
var doc = window.document;
var docEl = doc.documentElement;

var requestFullScreen =
docEl.requestFullscreen ||
docEl.mozRequestFullScreen ||
docEl.webkitRequestFullScreen ||
var cancelFullScreen =
doc.exitFullscreen ||
md.mozCancelFullScreen ||
doc.webkitExitFullscreen ||

if (
!doc.fullscreenElement &&
!doc.mozFullScreenElement &&
!doctor.webkitFullscreenElement &&
) {
requestFullScreen . telephone call (docEl) ;
} else {
cancelFullScreen . call (physician) ;

We web developers hate complication. A nice loftier-level abstract API yous can employ is Sindre Sorhus' Screenfull.js module which unifies the two slightly different JS API'due south and vendor prefixes into ane consequent API.

Fullscreen API Tips #

Making the certificate fullscreen #
Fullscreen on the body element
Effigy ane: Fullscreen on the body element.

It is natural to think that you take the body element fullscreen, only if y'all are on a WebKit or Blink based rendering engine you will run into information technology has an odd outcome of shrinking the body width to the smallest possible size that will contain all the content. (Mozilla Gecko is fine.)

Fullscreen on the document element
Figure ii: Fullscreen on the certificate chemical element.

To fix this, use the document element instead of the torso element:

            document.documentElement.              requestFullscreen              (              )              ;                      
Making a video element fullscreen #

To make a video element fullscreen is exactly the same as making any other element fullscreen. You call the requestFullscreen method on the video chemical element.

                                                            <video                id                                  =                  "videoElement"                                >                                                              </video                >                            
<button id = "goFS" > Go Fullscreen </push button >
<script >
var goFS = document. getElementById ( 'goFS' ) ;
goFS. addEventListener (
'click' ,
role ( ) {
var videoElement = document. getElementById ( 'videoElement' ) ;
videoElement. requestFullscreen ( ) ;
} ,
false ,
) ;
</script >

If your <video> element doesn't accept the controls attribute defined, at that place's no way for the user to control the video once they are fullscreen. The recommended fashion to practise this is to have a bones container that wraps the video and the controls that yous want the user to see.

                                                            <div                id                                  =                  "container"                                >                            
<video > </video >
<div >
<button > Play </button >
<button > Cease </push >
<button id = "goFS" > Go fullscreen </button >
</div >
</div >
<script >
var goFS = certificate. getElementById ( 'goFS' ) ;
goFS. addEventListener (
'click' ,
function ( ) {
var container = certificate. getElementById ( 'container' ) ;
container. requestFullscreen ( ) ;
} ,
imitation ,
) ;
</script >

This gives yous a lot more flexibility considering you can combine the container object with the CSS pseudo selector (for example to hide the "goFS" button.)

                                                            <style                >                                                              
#goFS:-webkit-full-screen #goFS {
brandish : none;
#goFS:-moz-full-screen #goFS {
display : none;
#goFS:-ms-fullscreen #goFS {
brandish : none;
#goFS:fullscreen #goFS {
display : none;
</style >

Using these patterns, you tin can notice when fullscreen is running and adapt your user interface appropriately, for example:

  • Past providing a link back to the start page
  • By Providing a mechanism to close dialogs or travel backwards

Launching a page fullscreen from home screen #

Launching a fullscreen web page when the user navigates to it is not possible. Browser vendors are very aware that a fullscreen experience on every page load is a huge annoyance, therefore a user gesture is required to enter fullscreen. Vendors practice permit users to "install" apps though, and the act of installing is a signal to the operating organisation that the user wants to launch every bit an app on the platform.

Beyond the major mobile platforms it is pretty like shooting fish in a barrel to implement using either meta tags, or manifest files as follows.

iOS #

Since the launch of the iPhone, users have been able to install Web Apps to the home screen and have them launch as total-screen web apps.

                                                            <meta                proper name                                  =                  "apple-mobile-web-app-capable"                                content                                  =                  "yep"                                />                                    

If content is set to yes, the spider web awarding runs in full-screen mode; otherwise, it does not. The default behavior is to use Safari to brandish web content. You tin can decide whether a webpage is displayed in full-screen mode using the window.navigator.standalone read-only Boolean JavaScript property.

Apple tree

Chrome for Android #

The Chrome squad has recently implemented a feature that tells the browser to launch the page fullscreen when the user has added it to the abode screen. It is similar to the iOS Safari model.

                                                            <meta                name                                  =                  "mobile-web-app-capable"                                content                                  =                  "aye"                                />                                    

You can ready up your spider web app to accept an awarding shortcut icon added to a device'due south habitation screen, and have the app launch in total-screen "app fashion" using Chrome for Android'south "Add to Home screen" menu item.

Google Chrome

A better option is to use the Web App Manifest.

Spider web App Manifest (Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Samsung) #

The Manifest for Web applications is a uncomplicated JSON file that gives you, the developer, the power to control how your app appears to the user in the areas that they would expect to run into apps (for case the mobile domicile screen), straight what the user tin launch and, more importantly, how they can launch it. In the time to come the manifest will give you even more than control over your app, just right at present nosotros are just focusing on how your app can exist launched. Specifically:

  1. Telling the browser nigh your manifest
  2. Describing how to launch

Once you lot have the manifest created and it is hosted on your site, all you lot need to do is add together a link tag from all your pages that cover your app, as follows:

                                                            <link                rel                                  =                  "manifest"                                href                                  =                  "/manifest.json"                                />                                    

Chrome has supported Manifests since version 38 for Android (October 2014) and information technology gives you the control over how your web app appears when it is installed to the home screen (via the short_name, name and icons properties) and how it should exist launched when the user clicks on the launch icon (via start_url, brandish and orientation).

An example manifest is shown below. It doesn't show everything that tin can be in a manifest.

"short_name" : "Kinlan'south Astonish App" ,
"name" : "Kinlan'due south Amazing Application ++" ,
"icons" : [
"src" : "launcher-icon-4x.png" ,
"sizes" : "192x192" ,
"type" : "image/png"
] ,
"start_url" : "/index.html" ,
"display" : "standalone" ,
"orientation" : "landscape"

This feature is entirely progressive and allows yous create meliorate, more integrated experiences for users of a browser that supports the feature.

When a user adds your site or app to the home screen, there is an intent past the user to treat information technology similar an app. This ways y'all should aim to directly the user to the functionality of your app rather than a product landing page. For case, if the user is required to sign-in to your app, then that is a good folio to launch.

Utility apps #

The majority of utility apps will benefit from this immediately. For those apps y'all'll likely want them launched standalone simply alike every other app on a mobile platform. To tell an app to launch standalone, add this the Web App Manifest:

                          "display"              :              "standalone"                      
Games #

The majority of games will benefit from a manifest immediately. The vast majority of games volition desire to launch full-screen and forced a specific orientation.

If you are developing a vertical scroller or a game like Flappy Birds so you will nigh likely desire your game to always be in portrait mode.

                          "brandish"              :              "fullscreen"              ,              
"orientation" : "portrait"

If on the other paw y'all are building a conundrum or a game like 10-Com, so yous will probably want the game to always utilise the landscape orientation.

                          "display"              :              "fullscreen"              ,              
"orientation" : "landscape"
News sites #

News sites in nigh cases are pure content-based experiences. Most developers naturally wouldn't recollect of adding a manifest to a news site. The manifest will permit yous define what to launch (the front end page of your news site) and how to launch it (fullscreen or as a normal browser tab).

The choice is upward to you and how y'all remember your users will like to admission your experience. If you want your site to have all the browser chrome that y'all would wait a site to have, you lot can set up the display to browser.

                          "display"              :              "browser"                      

If y'all want your news site to feel like the majority of news-centric apps treat their experiences every bit apps and remove all web-like chrome from the UI, you lot can do this by setting brandish to standalone.

                          "display"              :              "standalone"                      

Imitation it: auto-hide the address bar #

Y'all can "fake fullscreen" by auto-hiding the accost bar as follows:

            window.              scrollTo              (              0              ,              1              )              ;                      

This is a pretty simple method, the page loads and the browser bar is told to go out of the fashion. Unfortunately it is not standardized and non well supported. You also take to work around a agglomeration of quirks.

For instance browsers ofttimes restore the position on the page when the user navigates back to it. Using window.scrollTo overrides this, which annoys the user. To piece of work around this you have to store the last position in localStorage, and bargain with the edge cases (for example, if the user has the folio open in multiple windows).

UX guidelines #

When you lot are building a site that takes advantage of full screen in that location are a number of potential user feel changes that yous need to be aware of to be able to build a service your users will love.

Don't rely on navigation controls #

iOS does not have a hardware dorsum push or refresh gesture. Therefore you must ensure that users tin can navigate throughout the app without getting locked in.

You can detect if you lot are running in a fullscreen mode or an installed mode easily on all the major platforms.

iOS #

On iOS you can use the navigator.standalone boolean to see if the user has launched from the habitation screen or not.

                          if              (navigator.standalone              ==              truthful              )              {              
// My app is installed and therefore fullscreen

Web App Manifest (Chrome, Opera, Samsung) #

When launching as an installed app, Chrome is not running in truthful fullscreen experience and then document.fullscreenElement returns aught and the CSS selectors don't piece of work.

When the user requests fullscreen via a gesture on your site, the standard fullscreen API's are bachelor including the CSS pseudo selector that lets you adjust your UI to react to the fullscreen state like the following

                          selector:-webkit-full-screen              {              
display : block; // displays the element only when in fullscreen

selector {
display : none; // hides the chemical element when non in fullscreen mode

If the users launches your site from the domicile screen the display-mode media query will exist set to what was divers in the Web App Manifest. In the example of pure fullscreen it will be:

                                          @media                (                display-mode                :                fullscreen)                            {              

If the user launches the application in standalone style, the display-style media query volition exist standalone:

                                          @media                (                brandish-mode                :                standalone)                            {              

Firefox #

When the user requests fullscreen via your site or the user launches the app in fullscreen mode all the standard fullscreen API'southward are available, including the CSS pseudo selector, which lets y'all adapt your UI to react to the fullscreen state similar the following:

                          selector:-moz-full-screen              {              
display : cake; // hides the element when non in fullscreen mode

selector {
display : none; // hides the element when not in fullscreen mode

Internet Explorer #

In IE the CSS pseudo form lacks a hyphen, simply otherwise works similarly to Chrome and Firefox.

                          selector:-ms-fullscreen              {              
display : block;

selector {
display : none; // hides the element when not in fullscreen fashion

Specification #

The spelling in the specification matches the syntax used past IE.

                          selector:fullscreen              {              
display : cake;

selector {
display : none; // hides the element when not in fullscreen mode

Proceed the user in the fullscreen feel #

The fullscreen API can be a little finicky sometimes. Browser vendors don't want to lock users in a fullscreen page so they have adult mechanisms to break out of fullscreen as soon as they perhaps can. This means you can't build a fullscreen website that spans multiple pages because:

  • Changing the URL programmatically by using window.location = "" breaks out of fullscreen.
  • A user clicking on an external link inside your folio will exit fullscreen.
  • Irresolute the URL via the navigator.pushState API volition also break out of the fullscreen experience.

You have two options if yous desire to keep the user in a fullscreen experience:

  1. Use the installable web app mechanisms to go fullscreen.
  2. Manage your UI and app country using the # fragment.

By using the #syntax to update the url (window.location = "#somestate"), and listening to the window.onhashchange event you can use the browser's own history stack to manage changes in the awarding state, permit the user to utilize their hardware dorsum buttons, or offer a unproblematic programmatic back push experience by using the history API equally follows:

            window.history.              go              (              -              one              )              ;                      

Permit the user choose when to go fullscreen #

In that location is zip more annoying to the user than a website doing something unexpected. When a user navigates to your site don't endeavor and flim-flam them into fullscreen.

Don't intercept the kickoff bear on event and call requestFullscreen().

  1. Information technology is annoying.
  2. Browsers may decided to prompt the user at some point in the future about allowing the app to take up the fullscreen.

If yous want to launch apps fullscreen recollect nearly using the install experiences for each platform.

Don't spam the user to install your app to a home screen #

If you plan on offer a fullscreen experience via the installed app mechanisms be considerate to the user.

  • Be discreet. Apply a banner or footer to let them know they tin can install the app.
  • If they dismiss the prompt, don't show it again.
  • On a users get-go visit they are unlikely to want to install the app unless they are happy with your service. Consider prompting them to install after a positive interaction on your site.
  • If a user visits your site regularly and they don't install the app, they are unlikely to install your app in the future. Don't go along spamming them.

Determination #

While we don't have a fully standardized and implemented API, using some of the guidance presented in this article you can easily build experiences that accept advantage of the user's entire screen, irrespective of the customer.

Feedback #

Last updated: — Better commodity


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